Authors and Citation
Source: inst/CITATION
Rutz A (2024). sapid: A Strategy to Analyze Plant Extracts Taste In Depth. R package, version 0.0.9000.
@Manual{, title = {sapid: A Strategy to Analyze Plant Extracts Taste In Depth}, author = {Adriano Rutz}, year = {2024}, note = {R package, version 0.0.9000}, }
Adriano Rutz; Pascale Deneulin; Ivano Tonutti; Benoit Bach and Jean-Luc Wolfender. (12 January 2025). SAPID: a Strategy to Analyze Plant Extracts Taste In Depth. Application to the complex taste of Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2025.01.11.628830.
@Article{, title = {SAPID: a Strategy to Analyze Plant Extracts Taste In Depth. Application to the complex taste of Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst.}, author = {Adriano Rutz and Pascale Deneulin and Ivano Tonutti and Benoit Bach and Jean-Luc Wolfender}, journal = {bioRxiv}, year = {2025}, url = {}, language = {en}, keywords = {metabolite annotation, charged aerosol detector, semi-quantitative, natural products, computational metabolomics, specialized metabolome}, doi = {10.1101/2025.01.11.628830}, }